Yes, we are open!
Everyone is getting affected in so many different ways due to Covid-19 and this Pandemic. Everyone, including St. Mary’s, at one point or another, had to temporarily close or shut down in order to keep the infection rates low. Even now, so many business are either closed or operating at a very limited capacity.
That being said, yes we are open and yes we are taking appointments! The only caveat is that it might be a while before we can schedule you to come in, so if you have plans to see us, please contact us as soon as possible. If you plan on seeing us by the end of the year, then now is the time to call! We will of course do our best to get you in as soon as possible, so let us know your needs and we will try to accommodate you to the best of our ability.
In the meanwhile, stay healthy and take care of your teeth! Brush after every meal and use floss! You should be doing that anyway, so that the next time we see you, it will just be some light maintenance work ;) See you in the office soon!